Wordpress Plugins - Cleeng Content Monetization(Cleeng) <== XSS

# Description : Wordpress Plugins - Cleeng Content Monetization(Cleeng) <== XSS
# Version : 2.3.2
# Date : 7/8/2013
# Author : Ryuzaki Lawlet / Fahmi Fisal @Justryuz (ryuzaki_l@y7mail.com)

Cleeng is a unique monetization solution that satisfies both publishers and users interests:
1- If you are musician, blogger, teachers, photographers or software developer, this free plug-in is made for you!

Vulnerabilities in the Cleeng Content Monetization(Cleeng) plugin for WordPress,
which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting attacks.
The vulnerabilities are caused due to a bundled vulnerable version of ZeroClipboard.
Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in ZeroClipboard(http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2013/Feb/103)
and in multiple web applications.

Affected products:
Vulnerable are all versions

Affected vendors:
Cleeng Content Monetization
http://cleeng.com / http://wordpress.org/plugins/cleeng/

Cross-Site Scripting (WASC-08):
XSS via id parameter and XSS via copying payload into clipboard


Provided and/or discovered by:
Ryuzaki Lawlet / Fahmi Fisal @justryuz

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1 Tanggapan untuk "Wordpress Plugins - Cleeng Content Monetization(Cleeng) <== XSS"

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